Hiked to Phantom this weekend. Brad had to attend a class in Flag, so he didn't get to hike down in the storm.
Going down there was a bighorn leading the mules out. I guess like the snowplow for the train?
Got in about 3, then on the layover day we hiked to Clear Creek and watched the storm move in. Gail and Mike hiked to Ribbon Falls, but got rained on. I sat by the canteen watching the world go by and got to talk with Ranger Patrick and Ranger Matt. I figure if one sits at Phantom long enough, everyone one knows (who hikes) will come by.
In the cabin, reached over to get my headband and there was a bark scorpion on the clock. I guess the clock was the warmest place. Put it in a cup and carried it outside. Lori Rome has told me about scorpion karma: squish a scorpion and get bit: and I wasn't going to tempt it. I did, however, get bit by a spider that night, so maybe the spider was jealous.
The roof in cabin eight leaks. Made a big puddle that got my pack wet. So I want

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