Hiked down to Skeleton today. South Kaibab is pretty iffy. They apparently shoved the top two switchbacks, but then one is on one's own. In places the drifts were shoulder high. Some of the trail leaves the trail as people try to get down without getting too close to the edge, which no longer has any sort of protective rock wall. Can't imagine doing this without grippers.
Passed by two runners in shorts, tees, and grippers. No clothes, no food, no water. Ok, but if anything goes wrong, WFR tells us to use what the other hiker has to fix him up, and they had nothing. I would have stepped into the knee-deep soft snow on the side of the packed trail, or caught the grippers on the water bars, or probably cut my leg with my own grippers had I tried to run.
My raven was not at Skeleton, possibly because a red tailed hawk was cruising.
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