Climbed Humphreys Peak (12657) for a change . A wind up there is not uncommon, but it was blowing so strongly I couldn't stand while approaching the summit. Made it up in three hours (4.8 miles) and down in 2 1/2.
Lots of people climbing. Many in cotton tees and shorts, no wind gear, no water, etc. One gentleman informed me that my hair "was a mess".
I said, "Oh, damn. And I bet I've chewed off all my lipstick!"
It was kind of nice going DOWN when tired. The trail is a good grade for down: I could really move.
The wind actually picked up as we were walking down, so I doubt most of the people heading up climbed to the summit. I wouldn't have...
A funny thing about Humphrey's Peak. When people come to the Grand Canyon, they often want to hike to the river and back in a day. On the BA, this is 4300 feet in 7.5 miles. Ask them if they want to climb Humphrey's, outside of Flagstaff, and they say, oh, that's too high! But the elevation change is only about 3700 feet, which is less than hiking out from the River! But they can't see the distance from the bottom of the Canyon to the Rim.
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