Hiked down the BA to three mile resthouse. Very humid: was sweating like I was on the East Coast or something. Tripped on the same rock on Heartbreak and had to do my little recovery dance. Didn't hit the wall this time though. Is that a nice way to treat someone who erases the graffiti?
The trail was clean and pristine, almost as if someone picked up several bags of trash on Friday.
Met a group on Heartbreak Hill yelling at their friends. They asked us if it "got any better" down below. I so badly wanted to tell them that they absolutely had to keep going until they reached the waterfall, but Brad wouldn't let me. So we told them, no, it is pretty much the same all the way down. (It is elephants all the way down, kid).
I looked back near the top and saw a lady cutting the switchback at Cinch-up Corner. So I channeled my inner camp counselor and bellowed, "STAY...ON...THE...TRAIL!" She kept going, so I added, "DO ...NOT... CUT... THE... SWITCHBACKS!" She stopped and glanced around, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from, so I said, "THIS...IS...GOD...SPEAKING...DON'T...MESS...UP...MY...CANYON!". She turned around.
Brad was just coming around the corner, and said she was NOT happy at being yelled at. Tough toenails. That will teach her to mess with the VOICE OF GOD.
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