Spent the weekend at Phantom Ranch. One gal had to cancel because she was recovering from surgery, the young man hiked out to spend time with her instead. Walked to Ribbon Falls on the layover day. A nice little rainbow in the falls. Haven't seen that before.
Lovely weather coming out: clear and cool with no wind. Brad lost his hat and looked all over. Dave and I looked all around the mess hall. Brad gets home, pulls on a fleece shirt, looks down, and there is the hat, clinging to the shirt.
I usually get out from Phantom in three to four hours. This time, Becky was with me all the way from Oregon, so I stayed back to talk with her. But we were passed by the mules, and two of the old f**rts on board told us, "Don't worry ladies: you'll get out." I sooo wanted to tell them, "If it weren't for my friend here, you would be eating my dust", but I couldn't, so I didn't. They were only trying to be polite and kind, but I don't need pity from a mule rider.
Patricia: shame on you for writing your name on EVERY rock in the coconino. All gone now, girlfriend. Remind me to stop by your house and write my name on EVERY surface I can reach.