Friday we hiked to the Tipoff and back. We wanted something gnarly but I didn't want to fight the mules all the way to Plateau Point. Beautiful day: warm with no wind. Passed by a lot of over nighters. Not so many runners on the South Kaibab. Either it is too steep, they have to actually carry water (gasp) or there aren't as many skimpily dressed young ladies to brag to.
Erased a lot of doodles off the Coconino Sandstone. T.J., did you really think you were the first person to make it all the way to Ooh Ah Point?
Saturday we went down to mile and a half. I somehow managed to trip on a big rock on Heartbreak Hill. As sometimes seems to happen, time slowed to the point where I could think about what was going on without being able to stop it. I didn't want to land on the pointy rocks lining the trail, so I did a little sideways dance trying to reach the inside cliff, made it far enough to slam into said cliff and sat down hard on a pointy rock there. Also knocked a bunch of rocks down and managed to sit on THEM. Anyhow, it was amusing for people coming down. Probably have a heck of a bruise tomorrow.
Saw the big horns again. The baby was daintily eating a bush just under Cinch Up corner, and I was waiting for it to raise it's little head for a good picture when Daddy showed up with an annoyed expression. So I dusted out of there.
Saw some macho type guys cutting the switchbacks in the Fault. I yelled at them from a quarter mile away, and I know they heard me because they looked up, but it probably didn't connect. They seem to think that if there is a way to walk, it is the trail. Hey, guys,when you've spent as much time in the out of doors as you would like people to believe you have, you will know the difference between a trail and a switchback cut.
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