Hiked to Indian Garden with a women's basic backpacking class. Weather was just right: cool at night and pleasant during the day. All the flowers have started to bloom. One of my participants pointed out that my shirt was the same color as the redbud.
Water out at Phantom Ranch. They fixed one leak and when they turned it back on, another leak sprang forth. Oh well, showers are overrated.
Some mule riders came in while we were drinking lemonade and asked where we had come from. We said we were camped at Indian Garden, and one asked, "Oh, are there cabins there too?". We all decided that 10 miles round trip is a long way to go for a lemonade, even with ice. Maybe a Cherry Pepsi, but a lemonade?
The dude mules met the pack mules at Three Mile, and they had to pass one another while we got to watch. With all the mules on the same trail nowadays, they have to get kind of creative to get past each other. They are actually forming new trails at certain areas where they meet and pass.
Poem written on the trail:to the tune of Smoke gets in your eyes:
I said the hike was hard, my legs felt like lard,
And this trail is tough, it is way too rough, I have had enough.
They said the trail is fine, and I should not whine,
Hiking makes you wise, strengthens up your thighs, and salt gets in your eyes...